Minggu, 13 Maret 2016

symbol and reference

Often, when one communicates, he or she does not give any special attention to how he or she communicates. As a result, communication between parties is either diminished or lost altogether. Scholars have spent countless years analyzing human communication and have spent the same amount of time formulating theories that attempt to answer questions pertaining to how we communicate and why we choose the methods we do. One such scholar, I.A. Richards analyzed human communication and co-formulated a theory known as the “Theory of Meaning” (Ogden and Richards, 1927). Ogden and Richards’ theory attempts to not only describe the approaches humans take when communicating, but also to understand how communication is “lost” when not done correctly.
           Generally speaking, in science, a theory is centered on a single idea, which the theoretician wishes to provide an answer. Usually, there is only one component to the theory being generated, that being the single idea that is in question or needs to be explained. Unlike traditional scientists, Ogden and Richards take a completely different approach in developing their theory. Rather than focus on a single idea upon which to base the theory, they deconstruct the idea into many parts, thus creating a multi-faceted theory to explain communication behaviors. The facets explored by Ogden and Richards include “Meaning Theory,” “Definition Theory,” and “Symbol Theory.” Though the focus of this paper is Ogden and Richards’ theory on symbolic meaning, particularly the “Semantic Triangle,” it is important to possess a basic understanding of the theories surrounding it in order to better understand how they “fit” together and enable the “Semantic Triangle” to function. While this paper will not cover all theories in depth, it will provide a summary containing the overarching ideas contained in each.
            The “Theory of Meaning” is a concept that has been present in communication since the first humans learned to communicate. As communicators, we are aware that nearly everything we say has meaning on some level to ourselves as well as those we share our words with. The fundamental difference between how we previously looked at meaning and how Ogden and Richards look at it is that many scholars argue that for every word, there is a single, correct meaning associated with it (Craig Online, 2002). Ogden and Richards counter this claim with their theory of “Proper Meaning Superstition,” which states that there is not a single “correct” meaning associated with each and every word because each word means something different to each person, or more simply, meanings don’t reside in words, they reside in people (Erickstad, 1998).

     Consider, for example, the word cold. Since there are variations in word meaning among people, if one were to ask someone what the word cold means, he or she would likely get a response pertaining to a condition in temperature. However, consider the advent of slang and, again, ask someone what the word cold means and one could receive a response pertaining to types of attitudes expressed toward other people or objects. Now, consider the previous example spread throughout the languages of the world and one could perceive the problem of meaning and how there can be no single “correct” meaning for any word.

     In order to correct the problems associated with “Meaning Theory,” Ogden and Richards developed “Definition Theory.” It is imperative for one to understand that when a person speaks, the words he or she chooses mean different things to different people. One may agree that a term best suited to describe this condition is ambiguity. According to Ogden and Richards, the best way to solve the ambiguity problem is to provide a definition of various terms or concepts (Erickstad, 1998). This can be accomplished in many ways. One might choose to offer an explicit definition of the term or concept being used, or he or she could opt to use the term in such a way as to project the definition through the combination of other words that share the same universal meaning. For instance, if a speaker stated that another person was cold, based on the example dealing with meaning, two inferences could be drawn. First, one could assume that the person being discussed is physically, or temperately, cold. Similarly, one could infer that the person has projected an attitude that is undesirable toward another person or object. Another option, expressed by Ogden and Richards is the use of metaphor. Metaphors aid in the creation of definitions by forming a link between the word or idea and an experience he or she and the audience may share. If the speaker were to either define the term or use other words to “prop” up the definition with the use of metaphor, the meaning becomes clear. For instance, if the speaker stated that he or she has spoken to another person who always emits a negative demeanor in conversation and that his or her attitude appears cold the meaning is evident.

     Finally, Ogden and Richards developed the “Symbol Theory” in order to explain how words expressed in communication evoke images, thus providing a personal meaning based on experience. Symbols are inherently arbitrary by themselves, however, when used in conjunction with one another, meaning is created for the ideas being expressed. Problems in communication arise when people attempt to communicate through the use of arbitrary words because they have no exact or clear meaning. Words are variables that can assume different meanings depending on the context in which they are used (Erickstad, 1998). A good example of a symbol is text. Text, by itself, is meaningless, as it draws no relation to anything outside itself. However, when we combine text with a word and even a picture, we create a workable definition from which to operate. This is the fundamental principle behind Ogden and Richards’ theory.

     Ogden and Richards categorize meanings in terms of signs and symbols where signs are natural representations of something beyond themselves, such as a sound, whereas symbols are specialized types of signs, such as text (Cahill, 1998). In both cases, signs and symbols are meaningless unto themselves. Consider the word “cat.” Alone, the word has no meaning, as it does not resemble what we perceive to be a cat, nor does it possess any direct link to the sounds or behaviors of a cat, as we know it, thus the word is merely an arbitrary symbol. Ogden and Richards use the idea of “natural association” to link signs and symbols with actual objects such as a cat (Cahill, 1998).
 In order to illustrate his point that there is a direct relationship between symbols and thought, Ogden and Richards created the “Semantic Triangle.” The triangle is a simple model in which the three factors involved with the statement or idea are placed in the corners and the relationships between them are represented by the sides (Ogden and Richards, 1927, p. 10). An example of how this idea works is as follows: http://zimmer.csufresno.edu/%7Ejohnca/spch100/semantictriangle.gif
One peak of the triangle would be the symbol (a word). Another peak would be a thought, such as words to describe the symbol. Finally, the image we create in our minds would become the referent. Through the use of the Semantic Triangle, Ogden and Richards believe they have found a way to connect all words to their meaning (Erickstad, 1998). There are relationships between all three factors, represented by the sides of the triangle. The relationship between the thought and symbol are causal, meaning the symbol evokes an attitude or a proposed effect on another person. Similarly, there is a relationship between the thought and the referent, though the relationship can be either direct, such as something we can see in front of us, or indirect, such as an image or idea about something we have seen in another instance. Finally, the relationship between the symbol and the referent is purely indirect in that it is an arbitrary relationship created by someone who wishes the symbol to represent the referent (Ogden and Richards, 1927, p. 11). As demonstrated by the illustration above, the word “dog” is associated in the mind of the reader as a particular animal. The word is not the animal, but the association links the two, thus all three elements are required in an irreducible triad for the signs to operate correctly (Littlejohn, 2002).
        A unique and fascinating quality of Ogden and Richards’ theory is that it implies meaning can be arbitrarily exchanged without the need to understand how one another feels. What this means is that so long as definitions are created that all parties agree to, feelings regarding those definitions are inconsequential. In fact, according to Ogden and Richards (1927, p. 15), “Whenever we hear anything said, we spring spontaneously to an immediate conclusion, namely, that the speaker is referring to what we should be referring to were we speaking the words ourselves.”

semantic learner

37 komentar:

  1. your explain is the best and also i like your blog background.i like your blog dim.

    1. thanks for your comment desi.see just how my hobby is:D

  2. so far so good your explain dhimas,i like your style for explain about your topic,thanks already make me understan

  3. nice dhimas anom . i like you information .may be you can give indonesian translate to describe and giving information to understand

    1. so for my weakness,i will repair it for next material,this about simbol dan acuan ,tentang hubungan keselarasan simbol(nama),referent(benda real nya)dan thought(mindset kita tentang benda yang dituju.thanks for the comment dit:D

  4. Your explanation is best,and i like your background,You can add an image or animation to make it more attractive.

    1. thanks siti,i will explore more about my skill in my blog:)

  5. Dimas..can you explain about symbol and reference. So give me simple example about this..

    1. symbol is the name of thing,referent is real thing and though or refences is our mind set about that thing,thank you desur...

  6. Your blog can give me understand . Good I like it :-)

    1. symbol is the name of thing,referent is real thing and though or refences is our mind set about that thing.same with dewi comment.thanks ya makcik:D

  7. Your explanation is best,and i like your background,You can add an image or animation to make it more attractive.

  8. Barakalallah ur ppt dhimas..nice I understand...

  9. nice blog dimas, and I understand :). thnks

  10. as long i see your blog is nice

  11. thank you dimas. your blog is good

  12. So far I don't have any questions. I just wanna comment your blog, hehe. Base on my opinion, your blog will be better if you give us simple explanation about the material so that the boredom when read it can be omitted. Thank you.

    1. thank you for your advice super girl:) i will explore more about the blog.

  13. hai dimas anom..
    i want ask you about your topic, what the different between symbol and reference?

    1. okay reka,symbol it thing what we called,exactly name what thing is and referent is real thing what we called.thank you :)

  14. I wanna ask for you about your matery dimas what is the features of the symbol? thankyou

    1. thank you rita.features symbol is showing the name of thing,like dog,chair and other

  15. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  16. Dimas, better if you choose a template that the visitors like to visit your blog as always. And it will make your blog become "Profesional" style!

    1. thank you maurer i will repair it if i have want explore more:)

  17. Thanks for your explanation dim. But, I wanna give comment, about yoir posted. You can give some picture and other example to more easy understood. Because, just text so boredom.

    1. thank you hetika,im sorry because i dont know ho to put the picture..

  18. thank you for your presentation dimas. but i want to ask you. why we must study symbol and referent in semantics? thank you imas

  19. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  20. Hy Kitty! How's life? Bro,when I read your explanation about symbol and referent, I want to know what make referent and reference different? and please add some example. Thanks
