Senin, 05 Desember 2016

timeline of M.A.K halliday

M.A.K halliday biography  timeline


M.A.K Halliday was be volunter for the national services' foreign language training course. Halliday was choose to study Chinese language on the strength of his success in going to differentiate tones. After 1 year 6 month training, Halliday spent a year in India with Chinese Intelligence Group doing at  counter-intelligence job.
Halliday  came back to London to teach Chinese language. Halliday got B A Honours degree in Modern Chinese Language and Literature (Mandarin) through in London university. that was his an external degree, His studies was taken in IRC (China).
Experience in taught languages about 13 years, Halliday was changed his field of specialization in Chinese language to study of language (linguistics).developed and improve systemic functional linguistics, including systemic functional grammar,combination of the foundations  by his Great britain  tutor,Mr.J. R. Firth and a group of European linguists  who research all project linguistic on the early 20th century, the Prague school. Halliday's paper seminar on this model was published at public.
1954 -1958
Halliday's got first academic position was Lecturer Assistant in Chinese language department, at Cambridge University.
Halliday was tutor in University in General Linguistics subject after move and stay Edinburgh.
Halliday was Head  in  Communication Research Center at University College London, England.
At Indiana University.Halliday was a Linguistic Society of America Professor.
1965 -1971
Haklliday was lectuter and Headmaster of Linguistics at UCL
Halliday was member in Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioural Sciences at Stanford.
Professor of Linguistics at the University of Illinois.
Halliday came back at britain and teach in Essex University. He  was Professor and tutor of Language and Linguistics there.
Halliday moved to Australia .halliday was Foundation Professor or Headmaster in Sydney University of Linguistics subject, where Halliday  stayed until he retired in 1987.